As you began to implement your video marketing plan the first issue was quite clear - you needed a decent camera capable of delivering good quality internet video. So, now that you've got one (you didn't pay too much, did you?) it's time to begin to place your video marketing strategies into action. More appropriately, you might say: Lights...Camera...action! It's time to get creative. Here are some tips for you.
Video Marketing Plan... It's Free
Using video to implement social marketing strategies is perhaps the most cost-effective method of advertising and exposing your business or other enterprise. With a little time and effort you can drive new traffic to your website or blog virtually (no pun intended) cost free. Posting your video on websites, on blogs, or on sites like You Tube, is a net positive for your social marketing plan. Where else can you gain this kind of exposure? It's impossible to achieve in conventional avenues like newspaper, or even television, regardless of dollars invested. If your video marketing plan produces a video that goes viral the rewards will outweigh the costs (time) invested incalculably. Remember, it's free!
Video Marketing Plan... It's Creative
Let's face it; we all get in a rut now and then. Why not do something to get your creative juices flowing? Why not challenge yourself, and/or your compatriots, to come up with a social marketing plan that creates a video that goes, you guessed it, viral. Here are a few tips for coming up with that knockout video for your social marketing plan:
* BRAINSTORM - that's right; alone, or with friends or associates, give serious thought to your social marketing strategies. Come up with some ideas for a video that makes you excited... so excited that you can't wait to do it! Take notes. Say anything, crazy or not. Put it on paper. Then discuss your brainstorms.* K.I.S.S. - this popular acronym usually means "keep it simple, stupid." But in this case you need to be a little more focused that just simplicity. Sure, conveying just one main theme is effective in your video. But, you'll want to expand the acronym to include proper social marketing strategies: keep it short, stupid. Internet attention span is short, at best. There's so much for the surfer to see and so many places to visit. As you create your video marketing strategies, don't go beyond three minutes in your video. Between one and two minutes is optimal.
* GET IN, HIT HARD, GET OUT - create an opening in the first few frames. Usually, in the first ten seconds or less, you need to catch the viewers interest to keep them watching. After capturing their attention, soundly give them your message. Then close with a link to your website, blog, etc. so they can have further contact with you. Effective social marketing strategies include ways for them to interact with you personally.
Video Marketing Plan... It's Fun
Most people use the internet for relaxation and for exploring things that interest them, or catch their eye, or in some other way captivate them. If they wanted a sermon, they'd go to church. If they wanted a sales pitch, they'd go to a car lot. You get the picture. You're video marketing strategies are free... they are creative... now, why don't you make them fun? You won't catch anyone's interest talking about how great your particular skills are. That comes later. Pique their appetite with something fun... or funny. Show a short "how to" video in a fun way. Or depict something really funny that doesn't even relate to your expertise, but comes with the personal blurbs at the end. Your "message" in your video marketing strategy isn't necessarily what you do so much as what makes you laugh, or what makes you feel good. It's a look into your character, or your conscience. It's not a look into your tool chest (unless you're doing a "how to" video).
As you develop your social marketing strategies you begin to see the big picture. The internet is the most awesome tool any business, enterprise, or special niche partisans have ever had at their disposal. Your congregation is literally the whole world. And your pulpit is free. Just remember... don't preach.
Travis Campbell, founder of, is working with small businesses and successful entrepreneurs clients who wish to leverage the power of the internet to automate marketing follow up, to build relationships with prospects and increase sales. Visit to claim access to subscriber only benefits.
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