Deborah Canon Camera

Monday, 20 April 2009

How to Make Business Surveillance Cameras a Positive Tool For Your Business

Many business owners are hesitant to install a business surveillance camera system, because they are worried about employee morale. This is definitely a valid concern, because business surveillance cameras can carry with them a negative connotation if not implemented or explained properly. It is important to consider how the system will be introduced, launched and especially used before implementing a new business surveillance camera system.

When introducing employees to your new business surveillance camera system, we have seen many different business owners take many different approaches. Some business owners will simply install the system overnight without saying a word to their employees. This generally is not the best method for introducing the camera system to your employees, as it generally solicits a poor response. The employees can feel like someone is watching over their shoulders at all times, causing distrust and lower employee morale. Other customers have decided to introduce the cameras by letting employees know some of the problems that have been occurring and introducing the benefits that the camera system will provide for the employees, managers and the owner.

For example, a camera system can help protect the employees if something occurs while they are at work, giving better evidence to police as well as a deterrent to criminals. The same camera system can help keep overtime in the budget by cutting losses to the business due to theft - a great opportunity to explain to your employees how theft hurts them by reducing the available funds for payroll. Further benefits can include the ability to monitor busy or peak hours from in your office or while you are away, providing you the ability to call additional employees in to help cover the rush, or even provide assistance yourself when the load is too much for your employees. All of these benefits help your business, but also help you to assist your employees. This makes the cameras a tool to you, and a benefit to them, helping to reduce the feelings of distrust or dismay about the installation of surveillance cameras.

After properly introducing the cameras, it is important that you launch the system properly, bringing it up and running and actually demonstrating how the system can help your employees with workload, safety and staffing. Just telling them that they are there to help them will not effectively launch the system. Especially during the first week or month of operation, help show them how the system is helping them, by using the business surveillance cameras to identify when you need to add additional staff, etc. Seeing is believing. Use the system effectively to its full potential. Use the playback to assess the flow of customers into and out of your facility, and use that information to help schedule additional employees if necessary. Or use the video footage from the cameras to assess whether the traffic flow through your store needs to be revamped for better throughput. No matter which method you use, it is of great importance to show your employees how the system will benefit the business, and how that will benefit them as an individual.

Finally, once the business surveillance camera system is in place and operating, it is important that you continue to use this tool appropriately in your business...even after the initial launching. If you only use the system to comment on the employees and what they are doing at any given time, then it quickly becomes "big brother" looking over their shoulder all of the time, no different than if you hovered over the shoulder of your employees all day while they are working. Obviously if you catch employees goofing off, breaking the rules, leaving early or worse, then it of course needs to be addressed, but address the good along with the bad. Bottom line, a business surveillance camera system will not change the type of boss that you are right now, it will just provide added tools for you to do your job. So keep employee morale in mind when implementing your system, and it will help you to keep a happier, safer workforce.

Business surveillance camera systems can provide many great benefits, and there are many different types of systems available. We can help you to select a system that will suit the needs and budget of your particular installation's requirements. Here is another resource with up to date business security camera systems, installations and insights for your business security camera installation needs.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi,

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